I am tired of being told I am too skinny! Why is it completely acceptable to tell someone that they are too skinny but not acceptable to tell someone that they are too fat? When the word ‘too’ prefaces anything it means that there is more than is needed, an excess, so by saying I am too skinny, you are saying I am excessively skinny. I am far from excessively skinny, I know in comparison to the majority of this country these days I am too skinny but that is only because that majority is overweight. Is it that looking at my lean, fit physique makes you envious and you need to try and make yourself feel like I have the problem, not you? Why is there any difference between these two statements, “you really should finish that, you are too skinny and you need to put some weight on” and “do you really need that last bite, you are too fat and you need to lose some weight”? I love that one is completely OK and the other one makes you an asshole.
I have always been thin (except for when I was a baby, I looked like the marshmallow man), as was my dad, but he now has a nice little gut and I am sure I will too when I am his age. So just hang in there I will join the fat masses in due time, for now just let me be skinny and healthy and hate me for it silently.
sorry :(