Monday, February 8, 2010

Popeye ate his spinach out of a can.

I was making dinner the other night and I grabbed a can of green beans out of the cabinet and I started to laugh because you always hear people saying how you should only eat fresh and organic vegetables. They will tell you how canned vegetables are bad for you because of the preservatives and what not, but aren't canned vegetables better than no vegetables at all? I think it is funny how it used to just be eat your vegetables, now its eat your organic, no pesticides, grown using all natural compost fertilizer, vegetables. When did the nutrition triangle become a trapezoid?

If canned spinach was good enough for Popeye it is good enough for me!

"I'm strong to the finish, when I eats me spinach, I'm Popeye the sailor man! toot toot" - Popeye