Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Life is Bookmarked by TV References

Usually moments in your life trigger memories of past moments from your own life, for me however, they trigger moments in my TV viewing history. I used to think it was only Entourage.  For a long time my morning routine was to make breakfast and eat it while watching Entourage re-runs on Spike.  Because of this I have seen each season about a dozen times.  This past Fourth of July as Lisa and I sat on the beach looking out over the ocean it reminded me of when the boys were at a beach party and were doing the same thing. Turtle asked, what direction are we facing, Drama, “east idiot”, Eric, “west you idiot”. It’s not just Entourage anymore though, while meditating the other night I watched a thought float into my mind, it was of watching Russell Simmons meditate on some MTV reality show. My moment of meditation foster up a memory of another person, who I don’t know, doing the same thing...on TV.
Have I watched so much TV my memories have been replaced by scenes from TV shows? 

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