Monday, July 26, 2010


I walked out of the theater after seeing Inception and wanted to go right back in and see it again. If you haven’t seen it do yourself a favor and get to the theater. It’s a movie about hijacking, stealing, manipulating, and sharing dreams. The movie runs about 2 ½ hours but doesn’t feel like it for a second. You instantly want to see it again because there are so many small details and intricacies that you know you couldn’t have caught everything the first time around, you know that with each viewing you will find something new. I can’t wait to see it in IMAX, and I mean real IMAX, not this UltraScreen, budget ass, wannabe IMAX they have in Fargo.

After seeing this movie it makes you wonder how close this is to becoming reality.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I ran out of hangers

I did laundry yesterday and for the first time in a while everything I own is clean and in need of being put away. This morning I started the process of hanging things in my closet and I soon realized that I didn’t have enough hangers for all of my clothes. I knew that I had bought a few new things but didn’t realize I had bought that many. I refuse to buy more hangers, if I don’t have enough hangers I must have too many clothes. Looks like good will is going to get a nice donation in the near future.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The new coming out of the closet

There is a new coming out, people are no longer coming out gay, they are coming out as pot smokers. There are many similarities, like neither is anything to be ashamed of. There are out and proud pot smokers, like Joe Rogan, who will tell anyone who will listen that they smoke pot, there are pot smokers that are on the down-low who only let a select few know they smoke pot, there are the closet smokers that don’t want anyone to know, there are the experimental smokers, who tried it in college, are you noticing a similar story line here. I really started to notice it when speaking with co-workers, some will come right out and tell you they smoke pot, there is no hesitation, but others will only tell you when they feel comfortable that you will be cool with it, or they think you are a smoker yourself. When the down-low smokers tell you they smoke they usually look around, make sure know one else is listening, then under their breath they will whisper that they can’t wait to get home and smoke a bowl. I’m surprised by the number of people who’ve come out to me, people in all walks of life, wealth, and positions. I can hear the chants now, “we’re here, we’re high, get used to it!”

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Going old school

I got home from my last trip to discover that the internet was out in my apartment, I have been without internet for 3 days now. I have had to resort back to DVD porn, it has been fun for nostalgic reasons but I don't know how our forefathers did it?