Thursday, September 1, 2011


Steven Pressfield wrote The War of Art, a book which I heard recommended on a podcast. I purchased the book, gave it a read, and it changed the way I approach writing. I have since recommended the book to others, who have in turn recommended it, and so on. Recently I sat down to write and thought, “my writing process is directly linked to people who are completely unaware”. What I mean by that is, if Pressfield hadn’t written the book and it hadn’t been recommended on that podcast, I wouldn’t approach the task of writing the way I do today, yet neither have any idea of the influence they’ve had on me. As my recommendation has been passed on, I too may have had a small influence on a piece of a stranger’s life. The chain of connection will continue to grow as the recommendation continues to be passed on unbeknownst to those who it originated with. It’s a strange concept to think how connected we can be to those we have never met.