Monday, April 11, 2011

Bill Murray was tending bar

Scott told me that a friend of his was at SXSW this year and Bill Murray was tending bar one night. Now Bill Murray seems like an eccentric guy and I was not surprised to hear that he jumped behind the bar and started serving drinks. What I did find fascinating was that, because he is an actor by trade, he can walk into a business and just start working. I bet you Bill Murray could walk into a grocery store and just start bagging groceries and they would love it. If I walked into a grocery store and started bagging groceries they would make me stop immediately, a manager would be called, it would not go well. Even if I genuinely just wanted to be a helpful customer and bag groceries, they would site liability issues, etc., and I would be told to stop. Is it not strange there exists a profession that, if you are good at, allows you to participate in other completely unrelated professions because you feel like it?

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