Monday, September 20, 2010

The thought of you makes me physically cringe

My blackberry is buzzing, the red light is flashing, this is its subtle way of letting me know some new information is awaiting my attention. As I click the roller ball to open my inbox I see the name of the e-mail sender and my body physically shudders! The mere sight of this person’s name causes a physical reaction. From day one of meeting this individual I had a gut reaction that screamed, “you don’t mesh well with this person!” I tried to ignore my biological senses and play nice. As time has passed and events have transpired, I have found that I can no longer fight biology, my body has made up its mind, whether I want to fight it or not, I don’t like this person. The physical reactions have escalated to the point where the sight of this person makes me roll my eyes or glare, and the sound of their voice makes me want to shove my fingers into my ears, knuckle deep, and scream la-la-la-la-la-la-la like a 5 year old. I feel physically uncomfortable in their presence. Their name emanating from my blackberry screen; polluting my field of vision makes my entire body react. How can another human being induce reactions like these?

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