Friday, February 1, 2013

Slow your roll Netflix

“Flick” - slang for movie.  “Flix” - a hip way to pluralize “flick”.  “The Net” - slang for internet.  So isn’t it implied that Netflix is a place to get movies from the internet?  Have you tried to stream a movie from Netflix recently?  More times than not when you type in a movie title they seem confused by your request. They do offer up suggestions for movies they think are close. For example, when I type in Rocky, they suggest Rocky and Bullwinkle.  Not exactly the same movie, but they’re trying. In the latest issue of GQ there’s an article about how Netflix has begun producing multiple TV series with ambitions of bucking the network television system.  No more conforming to standard episode lengths, ordering whole seasons without a pilot, shows won’t be canceled midseason because the entire seasons will be available at once.  Those are ambitious goals, my concern is they weren’t able to accomplish their original goal, flix on the net.  When your store is called Donut Hut and I ask you for a donut, you can’t tell me, “well we never really figured out making donuts”.  Then expect me to believe you when you say, “but we’re working on some great new recipes for vegan lasagna.” 

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